The Top 5 Signs Your Roof is Plotting Against You – And What You Can Do About It! Learn to spot the tell-tale signs of a roof in rebellion before it’s too late.

Is your roof up to something? Like a character in a suspense thriller, your roof might just be plotting its
next big move. Don’t wait until it’s too late; keep an eye out for these top five signs that your roof might
be scheming against you!

  1. Age is More Than Just a Number
    If your roof has been around since the disco era, chances are it’s starting to show its age. Roofs typically
    last between 20 to 25 years. If yours is older, it might just be plotting a retirement plan that involves
    leaking or caving in when you least expect it.
  2. Shingles in the Witness Protection Program
    Are your shingles starting to disappear? If shingles are missing, cracked, or look like they’re trying to
    escape from your roof, this is a clear sign that your roof is planning something. These gaps expose your
    home to water damage and can allow more shingles to flee the scene.
  3. A Leak Smaller Than a Spy’s Listening Device
    Notice a small, mysterious leak? Don’t dismiss it! This could be your roof’s way of testing your defenses.
    Small leaks can lead to big problems, like mold, rot, and the dreaded unplanned indoor waterfall.
  4. Flashing Lights: Not as Fun as It Sounds
    Flashing is essential for directing water away from critical areas of your roof. If it’s damaged or missing,
    it’s like your roof removing its own safety gear. Water might be getting places it shouldn’t, plotting to
    cause maximum mischief.
  5. Gutters Grumbling Like a Getaway Car
    Gutters clogged with leaves and debris can lead to water backing up and damaging your roof. If your
    gutters look more like compost bins, it’s time to clear the getaway path before your roof’s plan goes into
    What Can You Do?
    Caught your roof red-handed? Don’t worry! Regular inspections and maintenance are like neighborhood
    watch for your roof. Catch those small issues before they become the masterminds of disaster.
    Need a Professional?
    If spotting these signs has you feeling like a detective in over their head, call in the professionals at Story
    Roofing. We’ll help reinforce your defenses and keep your roof in check. Schedule an inspection today
    and let us help you foil your roof’s grand schemes!
    Remember, a well-maintained roof is a content roof, one that won’t go rogue on you when the weather
    turns. Stay vigilant and keep your roof in good spirits, and it will protect you and your home for years to
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